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Fragments are of major interest in Morten Søkilde’s artistic work, and to break down time by stopping and tearing apart compositions, either the language or the things from the surrounding world, and letting them reappear in the same materials on their own premises, but in different shapes. Explained differently, his work concerns, what one could call replacement of context based on already available materials to be moved from one domain to another. Important to the process is, that Morten Søkilde does not directly affect or touch the material, but lets the peculiarities of the subjects give them shape, where he just selects and brings the palette into play. This practice is rather about composing than about an art practice of signature – understood conventionally. With this concept of works Morten Søkilde borrows from the bricolage, the tableau and collage. Furthermore, one could emphasise, that when he pursues the dimension of miniature, he expresses a sense of form from the desire of the voluminous in the smallest objects of all – the whole world seen from a diminutive perspective. Somehow it mimes the enchantment of the world’s innocence – the stories liberated from context (experiences of places) where primarily the atmosphere, the “aura” is controlling the beholder based on reminiscences.
Morten Søkilde (b. 1974 DK) has studied at the The Commedia School 2004-2005 and at School of Authors 2002-2004. Furthermore he has a master from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and a bachelor from Funen Art Academy. Selected exhibitions: When Words Collide II, Galleri Tom Christoffersen (2015), When Words Collide I, Galleri Tom Christoffersen (2014). Winner of the Dan Turéll award 2010, and has received the Danish Art Foundations 3 year work grant. Most recent publications: Septemberpostkort – årstidsdigt in Politiken (9.22.2013), Poetisk projekt i digterens værksted (Chronicle in Politiken, 4.8.2012), Blandt ord og billede - En antologi om forholdet mellem billedkunst og litteratur (red. Claus Handberg og Johanne Løgstrup), the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (2011)
Morten Søkilde, Miniature moments of being, Louisiana Channel (video)
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”Navet Morten Søkilde (1974 - ) er styrende for den form, digtet her har taget.”, 2010, lithography, 76 x 56 cm, ed. 20