Alexander Laner. Mit Leichtem Gepäck.
Galleri Tom Christoffersen (In situ)
MIT LEICHTEM GEPÄCK at Galleri Tom Christoffersen is the first solo exhibition in Denmark by German sculptor Alexander Laner.
On show is contemporary sculpture with a twist of noise and humour. Presented are previous works such as Für Elise; a grand piano made of pre-fab materials and build without the precise knowledge of how to do it but with an imagination of how it could be, and La Traviata; a modified racing bicycle, which functions as a record player and plays a single, the overture of the Italian opera La Traviata. These are juxtaposed with eye catching new sculptures such as Viva Las Vegas; a rotating light sculpture revolving 75 times per minute.
Most works demonstrates a fascinating disproportion between effort and outcome, which in general imbues Alexander Laner’s works with a cheerful yet distressing character. In all his works, improvisation is an important formal element, so that they often take on the charming ease of the unpredictable and chance.
During the opening a trained pianist will play (or at least try to play) the sculpture Für Elise.
Alexander Laner (1974/D) graduated from Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich in 2004. Of previous exhibitions the following can be mentioned: Merkwürdige Maschinen, Kunstverein Wolfsburg 2008, Made in Germany, Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover 2007, Schöner Wohnen, solo exhibition at Galerie Klüser 2, Munich, 2007.
In 2007 Alexander Laner won a competition concerning the production of a large-scale public commission in Munich. For more information on Alexander Laner please consult the website of Galleri Tom Christoffersen.
