Galleri Tom Christoffersen presents the solo show BLACK EGGS with new paintings by Anders W. Ø. Larsen.
BLACK EGGS represents the mutated, awkward and the still unknown. The words has been the basis for the art works, which are neither dystopic or saved, but non the less they deal with serious subjects as civilisation, the (self)destruction of the human race, existence and the territorial.
Instead of following a tendency in contemporary art Anders W. Ø. Larsen is more interested in the story of man as a long and slow process of transformation than history primarily influenced by radical events or specific crises in society. This distancing from the immediate comes forth as the paintings few figural elements as; a bust, a light bulb, a flag, a turkey in absurd juxtapositions resembles symbols in the empty and almost flat picture space. A space, which becomes even more abstract as it sets into an opaque coloured plane along the edges of the painting.
Much has changed since the last solo show WHITE EMPEROR (2006). At BLACK EGGS three large rectangular forms has been added to the characteristic quadratic, and
instead of the earlier minutely controlled techniques, which let the motive dissolve into fine abstract lines along the edges of the painting, the artist now uses a more rough way of painting. Symmetry and a centrally placed motive still dominate the works, but the small collaged figures, which used to set the scale in the strange but homogenous landscapes are now substituted by a few figural elements scaled up in size to the point where they appear as mutated signs. Symbols relating to the past and by Anders W. Ø. Larsen suggested as an image of a common and still unknown condition.
