Stig Brøgger, Hein Heinsen and Mogens Møller are three of the biggest names in Danish art. With joy and respect Galleri Tom Christoffersen welcomes you to their exhibition NOGLE ARBEJDER FRA TRESSERNE (SOME WORKS FROM THE SIXTIES).
Together the three artists formed Institut for Skalakunst (Institute for Scale Art) in 1974 from where a range of important public art were commissioned: Stjerne, Stjerneport og Stjernefragment at the University in Aalborg (1980), Fredens Port in Copenhagen (1982) and latest a comprehensive installation at Ollerup Gymnastikhøjskole (2004-07).
But in the exhibition NOGLE ARBEJDER FRA TRESSERNE we go further back in time. As the title says, back to when the three of them were part of the scene that presented idea based and open sculptures, and thereby introduced minimalism and conceptualism in Danish art. The works on display are either original from the sixties or made today from sketches drawn back then.
Stig Brøgger (1941), Hein Heinsen (1935) and Mogens Møller (1934) have all been awarded with the two most important grants in Danish Art: Eckersberg -and Thorvaldsen Medaillen. They have tought as Professors at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and are represented in the most important public collections in Denmark. Please consult the gallery website for more information on the artist.
Stig Brøgger is represented by Galleri Susanne Ottesen.

Arbejder fra tresserne.
Installationview |
Arbejder fra tresserne.
Installationview |
Arbejder fra tresserne.
Installationview |
Arbejder fra tresserne.
Installationview |
Arbejder fra tresserne.
Installationview |
Steen Møller Rasmussen: THE PLACE TO BE (1996)
Steen Møller Rasmussen
The Place To Be
16mm/Hi8, black/white, 31 min. (film still) |