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Galleri Tom Christoffersen presents the sculptor Øivind Nygård and conceptual artist Elmer at the exhibition: NY · EL.
The show is basically a juxtaposition of new works; The first and only cardboard sculpture ever made by Nygård and an immense number of paintings in a very consistent series by Elmer.

For the last 25 years the two artists have influenced there respective field on the contemporary Danish art scene – but apart from that, they do not have much in common.
What gathers the works at NY · EL is a humorous approach to art making, which seems to soften the seriousness of their projects. As when Øivind Nygård with an unimpressed humour lets the figural point of departure of his formalistically worked sculpture be: “A clown, that drums on a drum with his nose” – while Elmer emerges himself in the circulation of commercial images and starts painting from: “A huge bowl of fruits and greens in the shape of a Chihiro-monster … it wanders out of the frame!”

NY · EL is a very free attempt at art making – fast sketches for ideas seems to take shape in the space between the flat, fast and simple paintings and the transitory quality of the cardboard sculpture.


Øivind Nygård and Elmer
Press information (Danish)
Jeannette Ehlers
Fuzzy Logic, video installation (Danish)
The Danish Arts Council has supported the exhibition
28.09. - 27.10.2007
28.09.2007, 5-8pm

The Danish Arts Foundation has purchased the video: Ventilate (Part two), by Jeannette Ehlers

  Øivind Nygård
card board, wooden mouldings and MDF
h. 280 cm, w.120 cm, l. 300 cm

All the new paintings by Elmer are untitled and are acrylic on either canvas or board.
The dimensions are: 95x140 cm, 95x100cm, 50x42cm



  Øivind Nygård
card board, wooden mouldings and MDF
h. 280 cm, w.120 cm, l. 300 cm


backroom - Jeannette Ehlers

  Jeanette Ehlers
Ventilate (part two)
4.01 min loop
variable dimensions
edition 7 (+1 A.P.)

  Jeannette Ehlers
Fuzzy Logic (Titles, after Kuball)
mixed media and DVD 55 min loop
variable dimensions
Edition 1 (+1 A.P.)

Skindergade 5, 1159 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Phone: +45 33917610 / +45 26377210