Christian Vind has run 225 sheets of white paper through a printing press along with a plate of cobber in order to obtain a simple depression in the paper caused by the pressure and the plate. The multiple sheets of paper are reworked to unique works of art, which are exhibited at Ekstrakt (Extract), Christian Vind’s solo exhibition at Galleri Tom Christoffersen.
The many works on paper are gathered into five frames: Ekstrakt 1-5. Collage, gouache, drawing, stamp, Letraset and reproductions such as photography is used. The 225 works has been given titles such as: Stroke, Kejtright, Voldby, Artist Talk, Ay Caramba!, Traces of Origin, Hvid Psykose, Last Call and Image dublicator.
This diversity in choice of materials and these multifaceted titles point at Ekstrakt as yet another labyrinthine exhibition by Christian Vind, which is elaborately thought through. A space where the artist - as in the previous artists’ books and comprehensive solo exhibitions – reorganises his ever accumulating archive of found objects, texts, works of arts, images, beach stones etc. Translated into new art works and a new structure of presentation the archive is brought to comment on both art history, history, a contemporary political situation and to Christian Vind and his artistic production in general. The presentation offers temporarily exchanges appearing between the works primarily by association, and new layers of meaning are continuously put into play.
Ekstrakt is the controlled juxtaposition of all and nothing, presented to all and for none – or to whom it may concern. The exhibition is simply a fantastic gesture.
*From Karen Friis Hansens catalogue text Tegn og Underlige Gerninger, published during Christian Vind’s solo exhibition at Silkeborg Kunstmuseum, 2008. Silkeborg Kunstmuseum purchased the artwork 117 Hvidpapirfeber boxsæt containing 117 reworked sheets of paper with depression.
Christian Vind (1969) graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 2003. Previous solo exhibitions are among others: Tegn og Underlige Gerninger – En Silkeborgfortolkning Silkeborg Kunstmuseum (awarded honorarium by the Danish Arts Foundation) and Gl. Holtegaard (2008). Tryktanken Galleri Tom Christoffersen (2006). Group exhibitions counts for example: The Map is Not the Territory Esbjerg Kunstmuseum (2008/09), Match Race – modernistic remixes between now and then Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum (2007), Exportable Goods A Krinzinger Projekte by Krinzinger Gallery Wien (2006). Of book projects especially vol. 1 and 2 in the trilogy Hvidpapirfeber - Hvidpapirfeber (2004) og Bøf er Stegt (2005) – have gained attention. On February 20. 2009, the newest book project En rejse til Trieste will be released (a collaborative work with Claus Carstensen). Christian Vind is represented at Silkeborg Kunstmuseum and has done engravings for Den Danske Radeerforening.

Selected works from the exhibition

Installation view |

Installation view |

Christian Vind
Ekstrakt 1
mixed media on paper
156 x 202 cm |

Christian Vind
Ekstrakt 4
mixed media on paper
156 x 202 cm |
Christian Vind: Hvid Psykose
Wite-Out on book page mounted on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 1 |
Christian Vind
collage on paper
26,4 x 18
from Ekstrakt 3 |
Christian Vind
Nabomette descending staircase
letraset and stamp on postcard mounted on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 3 |
Christian Vind
acrylic and letraset on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 4 |
Christian Vind
collage on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 3 |
Christian Vind
Fluxuskomponisten Henning Christiansens tånegle
collage on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 1 |

Christian Vind
Stay angry
chalk on shellac
26,4 x 18 x cm
from Ekstrakt 1 |

Christian Vind
Eget tryk
Indian Ink and gouache on paper 26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 5 |

Christian Vind
Neo frenologi
colour photocopy and collage on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 4 |

Christian Vind
Lost memory
collage on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstakt 4 |

Christian Vind: Ay, caramba! 2008
acrylic and letraset on canvas mounted on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 2 |

Christian Vind
Jyske noter
2008, notebook with collage mounted on paper
26,4 x 18 cm
from Ekstrakt 1 |
Anna Fro Vodder |

Cover of “Best of ANNA FRO VODDER”, revolver Publishing
Anna Fro Vodder: Skjortebillede. 2009, cotton and oil on canvas, 50x40 cm |