21.3 - 18.4.2015
Opening: 20.3 2015, 5-8 pm
Udstillingen præsenterer fem unge billedkunstnere der giver fem forskellige bud på vores samtids kunst. Fotografi af henholdsvis det opstillede hos Clémentine Schneidermann og af det hemmelige hos Lina Hashim. Det procesbaserede maleri hos Kristian Kragelund, det på overfladen fotorealistiske maleri hos Martha Svihus og det mere ekspressive, gestiske collage maleri hos Asger Harbou Gjerdevik. Et galleri, to fotografer og tre malere.
The exhibition presents five young artists who gives us five different takes on our contemporary art. Photography of the “set up” by Clémentine Schneidermann and the “secretive” by Lina Hashim. The process-based painting by Kristian Kragelund, the pseudo-photorealistic painting by Martha Svihus and the more expressive, gestural collage-painting by Asger Harbou Gjerdevik. One gallery, two photographers and three painters.
Asger Harbou Gjerdevik (DK) er uddannet i 2011 – 2014 på Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK - BA Fine Art og i 2008 – 2009 The European Film College, Ebeltoft, Danmark. Udvalgte udstillinger: ‘Float Art 2014’ Bargehouse, South Bank, 2014. ‘Flock 2014’ GX Gallery, London, 2014. 'Without Transition' – The Danish Embassy, London 2013. 'Mind over Matter-3 Young Danish Artists in the UK' – The Danish Cultural Institute, Edinburgh, 2013.
Lina Hashim (DK/IQ) uddanner sig på Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi, Kbh fra 2013 og før det på Fatamogana, Skolen for fotografi, Kbh, 2012. Udvalgte udstillinger: Paris Photo, Courtesy East Wing Gallery. Paris, 2014. UNSEEN photography fair Courtesy East Wing Gallery. Amsterdam, 2014. Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus, Augsburg, 2014. The Iraqi Festival of Culture, Copenhagen, 2012.
Kristian Kragelund (DK) er uddannet på Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK - BA Fine Art i 2014 og studeret på New York Film Academy, Pratt Institute, NYC og The European Film College, Ebeltoft, Danmark. Udvalgte udstillinger: Arcane Studios, London, UK, 2014. The Hix Award 2014 - Cock'n'Bull Gallery, London, UK. May Occur, The Rag Factory, London, UK, 2014. Star, Food and Wine, Waxwing Exhibitions, London, UK, 2013. Art at Treberfydd - Treberfydd House, Wales, UK, 2013.
Clémentine Schneidermann (FR) er uddannet på University of South Wales, Newport, Master i dokumentarfotografi i 2012-14 og på CEPV, Vevey, Schweitz i 2009-12. Udvalgte udstillinger: 30 under 30 with Magnum Photos, The Photography Show, Birmingham, 2015. SFR Jeunes talents, Paris Photo, France, 2014. Seventeen seconds, graduation show, Photogallery, Penarth, Wales, 2014. Street Photography, source display, Tate collective, Tate Britain London. 9/50, Southeast Art Presenters summit, Atlanta Contempory art center, 2014. Ideastap/Magnum Award finalists exhibition,Truman Brewery, London, 2014.
Martha Svihus (NO) uddanner sig på Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi, Grafisk afdeling ved professor Thomas Locher og Teori og Formidling ved lektor Carsten Juhl, afgang 2016 og tidligere BFA fra Medieskolen ved professor Ann Lislegaard, 2013. Har udstillet på Q, Kunstakademiets udstillingssted, 2011.
DSC_0011.JPG, Installation view. Martha Svihus, Clémentine Schneidermann, Asger Harbou Gjerdevik & Lina Hashim
Kristian Kragelund: Profile 1, 2 & 3. Acid on canvas with homemade metal-infused paint. 175x120 cm each, 2015. Installation view.
Kristian Kragelund: Profile 1, 2 & 3. Acid on canvas with homemade metal-infused paint. 175x120 cm each, 2015. Installation view.
Clémentine Schneidermann: Souvenir shop, Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis Tennessee. Inkjet print, 50x50 cm, 2014
Clémentine Schneidermann: The billboard, Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis Tennessee. Inkjet print, 50x50 cm, 2014