21.2 - 22.3.2025
Shipping information
The artwork/book is sent from the gallery 1-3 workdays after an order. The artwork/book is shippedwith PostNord.Delivery in Denmark is 1-5 workdays. In Europe and internationally it is 3-7 workdays.
Delivery price for an artwork is DKK 100. The artwork is shipped in tube.Delivery price for a book is DKK 30.If you purchase for DKK 3.000 or more shipping is free.
Our artworks/books are insured during shipping. When receiving, please inspect the artwork/book.In the case an artwork/a book is damaged upon reception we ask you to immediately report it to us.
Should you regret your purchase, you have 14 days return right starting from when you havereceived the artwork/book. This we ask you to announce to us per e-mail before returning theartwork/book. If you return the artwork/book this is at your own cost and risk. Please do not returnartworks/books per Cash on Delivery.
We reserve the right to artworks/books out of stock and errors in pricing, image representation andtypos.
Duties and taxes
All items in our webshop are sold on a Delivery Duty Unpaid basis, which means that, all relevantduties and taxes may be imposed by some countries outside Europe. Customers are liable for anyapplicable custom duties or taxes that may be imposed on a delivery in the destination country. Inaddition, if you wish to make an exchange, you would be also responsible for taxes and duties onthe replacement item.
You have 24 months warranty of complaint and need to formulate this complaint in the frames ofreasonably time which is within 2 months after the reason of complaint is identified.
Personal data and privacy policy
Cardholder is asked to inform e-mail, address and telephone number when making an order.Galleri Tom Christoffersen understands and respects the importance of privacy online. We will notreveal or forward any information about customers or users to a third party unless necessary e.g.when implementing a transaction. We will not sell your name, address, e-mail, credit card orpersonal data to any third party without your prior consent.Read more about our privacy policy here.
The currency paid with is Danish Kroners (DKK) and the amount is withdrawn from the accountwhen the artwork/book is shipped.
You can pay with Dankort, Visa, Mastercard, eDankort and Mobile Pay. Other cards such asDiscover and American Express is payed via QuickPay. Payment with credit card is safe andapproved by QuickPay who follows the international standards PCI (Payment Card Industry) andCISP (Cardholder Information Security Program) for data protection. You can therefore safely useyour credit card. QuickPay draws a _% fee from the transaction.