Green Lighthouse Instrument, The University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Green Lighthouse, Cph.

2008 January

"Henrik Mennés udsmykning GreenLighthouse Instrument (2009) henviser både i navn og formsprog til en naturvidenskabelig forsøgsopstilling. Værket udfører et lydløst, poetisk og uendeligt eksperiment i netop det institutionelle og arkitektoniske rum, det er udarbejdet til.

Skulpturen findes i campusbygningen GreenLighthouse (2009), på Københavns Universitets Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet. Dagslys og solens bevægelse er bestemmende for den bæredygtige bygnings cylindriske form og for det ovenlys, der falder ned gennem atriets høje rum. I Mennés skulptur er det lysets omskiftelighed, som synliggøres – det vil sige af og til. 
Ned fra loftets midte hænger en stor men let aluminiums konstruktion; Et instrument, hvis lodrette teleskop-arm skyder mindre arme med påmonteret spejlglas i alle retninger. De mange cirkulære og meget præcist indstillede spejle indfanger lysindfaldet, så det reflekteres videre ned forbi etagerne, for at samles på gulvet i dynamiske cirkelformer af op til 30 lyspletter.

I takt medsolens bevægelse på himlen og derved tidspunktet på døgnet og på året, ændres cirklerne til halvcirkler, kvart cirkler, få lyspletter eller til oval, alt imens de langsomt bevæger sig fra et sted i rummet til et andet. Lyspletterne er selvsagt ikke altid synlige, men værket er konstant i proces og bevægelse –påvirkelig af marginale forandringer i omgivelsernes lysforhold."


Green Lighthouse Instrument (1), 2008, Aluminium, mirrors i.a. , Dimensions variable , Following the movement of the sun at the sky, and thereby the time of the day and the year, the circles are changing to half circles, quarter circles and to few small spots and to an oval shape, while slowly moving from one place to another. The light spots are not always visible, but the work is constantly in a process of movement determined by marginal changes in the lighting of the surroundings. photo: Adam Mørk The University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Green Lighthouse, Cph.

Green Lighthouse Instrument, 2008, Aluminium, mirrors i.a. , Dimensions variable, The University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Green Lighthouse, Cph. The commission Green Lighthouse Instrument refers both in name and idiom to a science experiments test setup. The work creates a silent, poetic and eternal experiment in exactly this institutional and architectural room it is made for. The sculpture can be found in the campus building Green Lighthouse at Copenhagen University's Faculty of Science. Daylight and the movement of the sun determines the sustainable buildings cylindrical form and the skylight falling through the room. In Mennés sculpture is the mutability of the light made visible - thus sometimes. From the center of the ceiling a large but light aluminium construction; an instrument with a the vertical telescopic arm shooting small arms with attached mirrors facing many directions. The many circular and very accurately set the mirrors capture the incoming light, reflecting it further down throughout the floors, gathering on the floor in dynamic circle shapes of up to 30 bright dots.