2009 August
"(...)Alligevel kan man måske sige, at de fire billeder, jeg netop har gjort færdige til Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen,(...) ret præcist konkretiserer det forhold, jeg ønsker at opnå i billedet, mellem motivet og den systematiske metode. I disse fire billeder gør det særlige forhold sig gældende, at billedfladen er opspaltet i geometriske mønstre, som kun kan ses, hvis man abstraherer fra motivet. Det er ligesom en dobbelteksponering, hvor der ligger to optagelser i samme billede. Så her er to sider af maleriet i endnu højere grad end tidligere sat i spil overfor hinanden." udtaler Allan Otte til bogen Efterbilleder.
English: Allan Otte says about these four works iin his book Efterbilleder: "(...)Despite this, you could perhaps say that the four pictures I have just completed for the Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority (...) state fairly precisely what I want to achieve in a picture, between the motif and the systematic method. In these four pictures it is particularly true that the picture surface has been divided into geometrical patterns that can only be seen if one ignores the motif. It is rather like a double exposure where there are two exposures of the same image. So here, two sides of the painting play against each other to an even greater extent than previously."
Installation View, Paintings by Allan Otte commissioned by Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen (Danish Enterprise And Construction Authority)
I stykker, 2009, acrylic on board , 175 x 175 cm , Commissioned by Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen (Danish Enterprise And Construction Authority)
Delt, 2009, acrylic and alkyd on board , 175 x 175 cm , Commissioned by Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen (Danish Enterprise And Construction Authority)
Nedtrykt, 2010, acrylic on board , 175 x 175 cm , Commissioned by Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen (Danish Enterprise And Construction Authority)